Monday, October 6, 2014

Acknowledge happenings around you.

I have always felt that it is very important for us to acknowledge everything that happens around you; anything that you have read, heard or seen around you.  The fact that you notice and take a note of the events before you is a contributory factor towards the making of you as an individual.

You need not accept them but should not ignore them too. All incidents, thoughts and ideas have, I feel, a bearing on us being part of the society and should therefore be noticed and acknowledged. I mean, it would help you to give variations to your way of thinking if you are ready to notice and acknowledge what you see or hear irrespective of their acceptability to you as a person.

You may not be willing to come out of the safe spaces that we have created for our self but you have to give a bit of thought to what another says or has written or how another person act or react in a particular situation. You may have said it or written something or acted or reacted differently in such a situation but believe me taking note of the same will come to your aid in future, at least to give a totally different angle to think from.

Our perceptions about people, places or things does change by such acknowledgements.  Such acknowledgements can aid you in arriving at correct and logical decisions. Ignoring thoughts and actions that are against your way of thinking will most likely leave you to be a one-eyed horse.

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